About Us
Payer+Provider Syndicate believes that the toughest operational and strategic challenges in healthcare are best addressed by deep subject matter expertise. Payer+Provider has advised health insurers, hospitals, specialty benefit management companies, and numerous other organizations in the healthcare sector. Whether analyzing a market, evaluating a service, devising a methodology for improving operations, crafting messaging for a white paper, or developing a peer-reviewed publication, we rely upon our understanding of economics, healthcare policy, medicine, statistics, and strategy to serve our clients’ needs.
Our Unique Positioning in the Healthcare Consulting Market:
Payer+Provider specializes in bringing operational changes to the payer and provider industries by using economic techniques. While there are many firms performing healthcare consulting, Payer+Provider inhabits a unique niche. Our President, Adam C. Powell, Ph.D., is a health care economist trained at The Wharton School’s Leonard Davis Institute for Health Economics.
Public Outreach
Part of the Payer+Provider mission is to be a thought leader in health services research. To facilitate this, we actively engage with the healthcare press, publish academic research, and facilitate the discovery of existing healthcare knowledge. Payer+Provider experts have been featured in popular outlets including CNN.com, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Reuters. Payer+Provider also regularly contributes to industry sources, including Becker’s Hospital Review, Fierce, Healthcare Finance News, and mHIMSS. Our Health System Review™ newsletter and website aggregate this information so that it can easily be accessed by healthcare executives, policymakers, and members of the public.
Media Outlets Featuring Payer+Provider Experts:
Legal Information:
Payer+Provider Syndicate is a Stock Corporation based in the State of Delaware, with nexus in Massachusetts. As a result of its primarily off-premises model, Payer+Provider has served clients across the United States and the world.