Practice Areas

Payer Practice

Payer Practice

In the months running up to 2014, there is a great deal of uncertainty in the health insurance marketplace. The Payer Practice aims to help health insurers evaluate the performance of existing programs, assess new innovations, and understand where the market is headed. Quantitative methods are employed to analyze costs, outcomes, and behaviors.

Focal Areas:

  • Assessing the impact of marketing impact
  • Evaluating programs
  • Analyzing consumerism initiatives
  • Analyzing demand for network planning
  • Designing wellness incentives


Provider Practice

As hospitals and providers face reductions in payment, how can revenue be maintained without resorting to overwork or a reduction in quality? The Provider Practice uses proprietary claim analysis techniques to help hospitals improve the accuracy of their claims, so that omissions of billable work are less likely to occur. Furthermore, the Provider Practice can guide providers through the process of deciding whether to enter a new line of service, purchase equipment, or change staffing policies.

Focal Areas:

  • Enhancing claim quality
  • Analyzing demand for service line planning
  • Guiding technology purchasing decisions
  • Assessing the impact of changes in labor policies


China Practice

China Practice

Under Dr. Chen Zhu’s leadership, The People’s Republic of China is undergoing a health care reform that is as substantial as the one occurring in the United States. The Chinese government’s 12th Five-Year Plan, released in 2011, calls for change in both the delivery and financing of care. To help, Payer+Provider has studied the feasibility of localizing its solutions to meet China’s needs. Payer+Provider understands the Chinese health care system and knows which of its solutions can be implemented in China.

Focal Areas:

  • Analyzing and improving provider revenue
  • Estimating the cost of provider labor substitution
  • Understanding consumer health insurance purchasing


Health IT Practice

Health IT Practice

Health information technology products touch consumers, payers, and providers. From disease management to practice management, from EHRs to PHRs, technology plays a central role in proposed solutions for improving the quality of health care. The technology practice has a broad understanding of the technologies available in the marketplace and guides investment decisions. The technology practice evaluates the needs of payers and providers, recommending appropriate vendors should a health IT solution be warranted.

Focal Areas:

  • Designing consumer health IT solutions
  • Constructing wellness incentive systems
  • Understanding health insurance exchanges
  • Evaluating personal health record (PHR) systems


Research Support Practice

Research Support Practice

Both academic and commercial researchers can occasionally benefit from a bit of outside assistance. Whether there is a literature review to be written, an article to be edited, data to be cleaned, or an analysis to be conducted, our experts are happy to help you see it through. As our experts are published researchers, we have the quantitative and qualitative skills it takes to support your needs. Unlike staff members or graduate students, we are able to help on a short-term, as-needed basis.

Focal Areas:

  • Editing and writing manuscripts
  • Cleaning and analyzing data
  • Conducting analyses
  • Verifying findings