Recap of 2022

BOSTON-January 16, 2023: In 2022, Payer+Provider helped numerous managed care and healthcare delivery organizations address both operational and strategic questions. While not all work led to outputs that are visible to the public, there are several items that can be shared. In each case, Payer+Provider contributed to the item’s development: In January, Value in Health Regional Issues published an analysis of health insurance claims trends in Andhra Pradesh, India. Dr. Powell additionally presented a Master Class on healthcare IT at […]

Celebrating a Decade

BOSTON-March 1, 2022: Exactly ten years ago, Payer+Provider Syndicate was founded to build a bridge between health services research and practice. In the years that have followed, numerous peer-reviewed studies have been authored, conference abstracts have been presented, operational analyses have been conducted, and strategies have been developed. While a significant portion of Payer+Provider’s work has been committed to the public record, there is likewise a vast volume of work that has occurred behind the scenes. Reflecting on the anniversary, […]

Indian Health Insurance Utilization Trends

HYDERABAD-December 6, 2021: The techniques used to evaluate the performance of a health plan are to some extent universal. Applying methodologies that he previously used to analyze American claims trends, Adam Powell worked with Preeti Singh to explore claims trends in a health insurance program for low-income people living in Andhra Pradesh, India. The article, Utilization Trends of a Government-Sponsored Health Insurance Program in South India: 2014 to 2018, was published by Value in Health Regional Issues, an Elsevier journal. […]

Generating and Quantifying Value

BOSTON-March 6, 2021: Measuring the value generated by administrative and technological interventions is at the core of Payer+Provider’s business. During 2020, Payer+Provider’s President, Adam C. Powell, Ph.D., published a trio of articles that examined value in healthcare from different angles. Powell AC. Impact of the Artificial Nudge. Academic radiology. 2020 Jan 1;27(1):143-6. – Examined the financial impact of artificial intelligence on a radiology department Powell AC, Torous JB, Firth J, Kaufman KR. Generating value with mental health apps. BJPsych open. […]

COVID, Employers, & Tele-Behavioral Health

BOSTON-May 1, 2020: Access to tele-behavioral health services, and employer coverage of services has increased in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Working with Matthias B. Bowman, MBA, and Henry T. Harbin, MD, Payer+Provider’s Adam C. Powell, Ph.D., developed a white paper, titled, “Tele-Behavioral Health for Employees: Pre-COVID Practices and Recommendations for a Post COVID Path Forward” The white paper summarizes how the state of tele-behavioral health has changed in response to COVID-19, and provides employers and health plans with recommendations […]