Understanding Drug Formularies

NEW JERSEY– February 1, 2018: The Kennedy Forum has released, A Consumer Guide to Drug Formularies: Understanding the Fundamentals of Behavioral Health Medications, an Issue Brief intended to help everyday Americans understand how formularies function, how health insurance can impact access to medication, and how state and federal laws regulate formularies for pharmaceuticals. The Issue Brief explains how and why health insurance companies manage the utilization of pharmaceuticals, so that consumers can understand formularies and advocate for their rights. Since Adam C. Powell, […]

Tata Communications Invites Powell to Discuss Telehealth

PUNE-July 21, 2017: Tata Communications and Ruby Hall Clinic organized an event on corporate telehealth, titled Hello Health, and held in Pune, Maharashtra, India. Adam C. Powell, Ph.D., President of Payer+Provider Syndicate, was invited to speak at the event via webinar. His speech discussed how a hub-and-spoke model enables telemedicine to achieve economies of scale, and how its use has rapidly grown among American corporations. At the conclusion of the event, Ruby Hall Clinic and Tata Communications issued a press […]

New Tech for Improving Behavioral Health

BOSTON– May 8, 2017: The Kennedy Forum, a nonprofit organization founded by Patrick J. Kennedy, has released an issue brief on new technologies for improving behavioral health. The lead author of the issue brief was Adam C. Powell, Ph.D., President of Payer+Provider Syndicate. Freely available to the public, the issue brief provides an overview of infrastructure tools, assessment tools, and treatment interventions which can be used to improve the health of people with mental health and substance use disorders. In addition […]

Value, Innovation, and Radiology

WASHINGTON, D.C. – May 18, 2016: The American College of Radiology invited Adam C. Powell, Ph.D. to discuss the relationship between value, innovation, and radiology as a part of a broader panel of lectures on markets, value, and commoditization. During the lecture, Dr. Powell discussed the answers to five questions: What is healthcare innovation? What is value? How does healthcare innovation impact value? How do we search for value? How do quality measures impact the search for value? In summary, the […]

Evaluating mHealth Apps

BOSTON– February 10, 2016: Are mHealth app ratings actually useful? A study authored by Adam C. Powell, Ph.D., John B. Torous, MD, and colleagues examined the interrater reliability of 22 measures commonly used to evaluate the quality of mobile health apps for depression and smoking cessation. Six raters assigned ratings to a pool of 20 apps, and then the level of agreement between the ratings was calculated using Krippendorff’s alpha. Surprisingly, the six raters had rather poor agreement on 21 of the […]