Value, Innovation, and Radiology

WASHINGTON, D.C. – May 18, 2016: The American College of Radiology invited Adam C. Powell, Ph.D. to discuss the relationship between value, innovation, and radiology as a part of a broader panel of lectures on markets, value, and commoditization. During the lecture, Dr. Powell discussed the answers to five questions: What is healthcare innovation? What is value? How does healthcare innovation impact value? How do we search for value? How do quality measures impact the search for value? In summary, the […]

Evaluating mHealth Apps

BOSTON– February 10, 2016: Are mHealth app ratings actually useful? A study authored by Adam C. Powell, Ph.D., John B. Torous, MD, and colleagues examined the interrater reliability of 22 measures commonly used to evaluate the quality of mobile health apps for depression and smoking cessation. Six raters assigned ratings to a pool of 20 apps, and then the level of agreement between the ratings was calculated using Krippendorff’s alpha. Surprisingly, the six raters had rather poor agreement on 21 of the […]

Automating Medicine

CHICAGO– January 25, 2016: After the develop of artificial intelligence systems such as Watson, the future of radiology and other data-driven fields of medicine have been drawn into question. In a discussion held by the American College of Radiology, Adam C. Powell, Ph.D., explored whether or not radiology and other fields of medicine are likely to be automated. The discussion was hosted by Saurabh “Harry” Jha, MBBS, and also featured Matthew Hawkins, MD and patient advocate Andrew DeLaO. A recording of the discussion is […]