About Us (English)

At Payer+Provider Syndicate, we believe that the toughest operational and strategic challenges in healthcare are best addressed by subject matter experts with deep industry experience. Our experts have advised health insurers, hospitals, and numerous other organizations interacting with them. Whether analyzing a market, evaluating a service, or devising a methodology for improving operations, we rely upon our collective understanding of economics, healthcare policy, medicine, statistics, and strategy to serve our clients’ needs.

Our Unique Positioning in the Healthcare Consulting Market:

Healthcare Consulting Market
Payer+Provider specializes in bringing operational changes to the payer and provider industries by using economic techniques. While there are many firms performing healthcare consulting, Payer+Provider inhabits a unique niche. Our President, Adam C. Powell, Ph.D., is a health care economist trained at The Wharton School’s Leonard Davis Institute for Health Economics. He is accompanied by a carefully-selected set of experts in clinical care, economics, and health services research.

Public Outreach

Part of the Payer+Provider mission is to be a thought leader in health services research. To facilitate this, we actively engage with the healthcare press, publish academic research, and facilitate the discovery of existing healthcare knowledge. Payer+Provider experts have been featured in popular outlets including CNN.com, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Reuters. Payer+Provider also regularly contributes to industry sources, including Becker’s Hospital Review, Fierce, Healthcare Finance News, and mHIMSS. Our Health System Review™ newsletter and website aggregate this information so that it can easily be accessed by healthcare executives, policymakers, and members of the public.

Media Outlets Featuring Payer+Provider Experts:

Our experts have been featured on CNN, The New York Times, Reuters, and numerous other outlets.

Legal Information:

Payer+Provider Syndicate is a Stock Corporation based in the State of Delaware. Although it operates in multiple states, all work is performed under Delaware law.